Život na planéte Zem očama jej obyvateľov

nasledujúci deňright arrow Desátý - 28. 4. 2019
Zdieľať týždeň

28. 4.Nedeľa


29. 4.Pondelok


30. 4.Utorok


1. 5.Streda


2. 5.Štvrtok


3. 5.Piatok


4. 5.Sobota

Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš.
This is my 10th visit to Czech Republic with my husband since 2008. It means we come back here almost every year. We've gotten the flight tickets last summer, so we have been looking forward to the time. One of my friends Veronika works for a toy shop in Prague and we went to Seiffen in Germany together. There are a lot of wooden toy workshops all over the village. I supposed to buy my favorite wooden animals there, but, I noticed that it was Sunday. Almost all shops were closed. So, we stopped for a while in Zatec on the way. Seiffen was like a big toy box.

Musíte byť zaregistrovaný pre pridávanie príspevkov.

Prihlásenie Registrácia

6/2/2019 2:14:08 PM
Great! Congratulation! Nice to see the famous faces :-)
5/25/2019 9:54:48 AM
Beautiful week... :-D
5/25/2019 9:41:31 AM
Thank you so much for your comments and seeing my week. Now Tetsuya is very embarrassed to see the front page now. :-))
5/25/2019 7:24:33 AM
Great! :)
5/24/2019 1:17:47 PM
Congratulations to the editor`s choice, Junko. Your weeks are enrichment for the Week of Life project.
5/24/2019 10:33:57 AM
Ahoj, Junko! :)
5/23/2019 9:10:28 AM
Hello Junko. This is a beautiful week! I am so happy You go back to our country. Thank You for this nice memories. Ahoj!

nasledujúci deňright arrow Desátý - 28. 4. 2019