Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 172nd week - 14. 4. 2018

12. 4.Thursday


13. 4.Friday


14. 4.Saturday


15. 4.Sunday


16. 4.Monday


17. 4.Tuesday


18. 4.Wednesday

The night in Venuše ended Nifra with her super trance set... And I have a birthday! Again one year older. The time terribly flies... I got from Alda great Beats headphones, that have really great sound, amazing bass! :)... We are going to have a birthday and nameday (Alda had a nameday yesterday) whirpool, and we enjoyed it very much. Then great ice cream and our first bbq in this year! :) And then it's all flush with good wine...

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4/29/2018 10:31:24 AM
...a co takhle voňavý špekáček na ohníčku, těš se...:-) bacha na tu žábu, aby to nebyla zakletá princezna, co přišla lovit...:-)
4/27/2018 9:21:34 PM
Líbí se mi. :-)
4/27/2018 6:15:45 PM
Bezva týden..., ostatně jako vždy... Srdečná gratulace Tobě k narozkám a Aldovi k svátku... :-D
4/26/2018 2:09:35 PM
Fotky mluví za vše... Občas nestíhám dopisovat, no. :D
4/26/2018 11:06:38 AM
Beze slov? :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 172nd week - 14. 4. 2018