Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 172nd week - 13. 4. 2018

12. 4.Thursday


13. 4.Friday


14. 4.Saturday


15. 4.Sunday


16. 4.Monday


17. 4.Tuesday


18. 4.Wednesday

Voilá, all the best! We met nicely. Me and my colleague with muffins, are celebrating :D... In the evening we are going to Ostrava to visit club Venuše for the first time, on We Are Trance Family event. We are charmed from Venuše, because it's really modern and stylish, super music and also people - nobody under 18 years old! :)) (Yes, that blue backlit toilet really caught me! :D)

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4/29/2018 10:31:24 AM
...a co takhle voňavý špekáček na ohníčku, těš se...:-) bacha na tu žábu, aby to nebyla zakletá princezna, co přišla lovit...:-)
4/27/2018 9:21:34 PM
Líbí se mi. :-)
4/27/2018 6:15:45 PM
Bezva týden..., ostatně jako vždy... Srdečná gratulace Tobě k narozkám a Aldovi k svátku... :-D
4/26/2018 2:09:35 PM
Fotky mluví za vše... Občas nestíhám dopisovat, no. :D
4/26/2018 11:06:38 AM
Beze slov? :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 172nd week - 13. 4. 2018