Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 156th week - 27. 12. 2017

21. 12.Thursday


22. 12.Friday


23. 12.Saturday


24. 12.Sunday


25. 12.Monday


26. 12.Tuesday


27. 12.Wednesday

Yes, it looks like part of gas mask but it's a lens holder that hooks on a trouser belt! I have a great man! :)) I just don't know which my woman's pants will keep it :D... We got this forgotten photo in the clear glass! Very nice gift and especially the photo because we didn't even knew about it already :D... We still finish eating potato salad and the fish, I hope it's the last day :D... Today is finally a relax day at home... In the evening Alda made a massacre hot spicy spaghetty. He dropped just one tea spoon of this chilli and really massacre, Alda had drops of sweats on his neck and face :D...

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left arrowprevious day 156th week - 27. 12. 2017