Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 156th week - 25. 12. 2017

21. 12.Thursday


22. 12.Friday


23. 12.Saturday


24. 12.Sunday


25. 12.Monday


26. 12.Tuesday


27. 12.Wednesday

Wow, Home Alone in the TV, so I have to see it! :D... Alda drinks from the nearly-liter mug which he got :D... Thanks to Klariss for the gifts... Then instalation of camera to the car which Alda got :) and then going for christmas visits. Firstly to Alda's bro and then to his dad :)... We are coming back to home in the evening and we are tasting the beer which Alda got from my grandma, it's delicious... Mucinqa also got a gift and she immediately knew what to do with it and is enjoying it :))... Coconut Božkov is good.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 156th week - 25. 12. 2017