Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Papája rozvozák / Papaya the delivery man - 3. 9. 2020

31. 8.Monday


1. 9.Tuesday


2. 9.Wednesday


3. 9.Thursday


4. 9.Friday


5. 9.Saturday


6. 9.Sunday

A sock with ventilation. :D I’m taking a comfortable pause. I’m watching a fly and finding out what my mobile camera can do. New Standart arrived for Magda, so we’re reading some very relatable stories about what you can hear from the costumers as a barista. Pája comes with the transport again, bringing some sweets from Erhartova cukrárna for me and also for Standa. The carrot cake was delicious. :) Made the rest of the shift a lot better. Cleaning up and home, where I find Pája still working.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Papája rozvozák / Papaya the delivery man - 3. 9. 2020