Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day Tady, tam a zase zpátky. / Here, there and back again. - 26. 7. 2020

20. 7.Monday


21. 7.Tuesday


22. 7.Wednesday


23. 7.Thursday


24. 7.Friday


25. 7.Saturday


26. 7.Sunday

I found about two years old voucher for an escape game, it’s gonna come in handy. I have no idea why is that third picture upside down, but just going with it. Packing my stuff to go back to Prague and the weather outside is like out of a painting. There’s allegedly a fire at the main station so I better get out of the train at Vršovice and walk the rest of the way. Only meeting a ‘dry deviant’ on my way.

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8/31/2020 6:31:06 PM
Pěkný týden, sobota perfektní...ani bych zpátky nejel...:-)
8/31/2020 12:20:30 PM
Hezký týden. Dostal jsem chuť na kafe... :)

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left arrowprevious day Tady, tam a zase zpátky. / Here, there and back again. - 26. 7. 2020