Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

next dayright arrow 02 | Last week in Glasgow - 23. 3. 2020
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23. 3.Monday


24. 3.Tuesday


25. 3.Wednesday


26. 3.Thursday


27. 3.Friday


28. 3.Saturday


29. 3.Sunday

(1) I woke up to a text from my mum if I would like to do a "week of life" again. Why not. Morning routine - coffee and journaling. (2) Hmmm, maybe "*la vida (life) me dio mucho miendo" would be more appropriate. (3) Carrying a package that weighs over 7 kilos was a great morning workout (not really). (4) One pile is for donations, one shipping home, and the last one is trying to fit everything in my suitcase. (5) Picking up my prescription. The UK is slowly waking up and some restrictions are finally taking place - e.g. only three people at a time in the pharmacy. (6) The reality of moving out. (7) Honest (Prague) Guide and their episode about empty Prague. (8) Hot shots or ginger shots wake you up faster than a coffee, trust me. (9) Oh look, Boris Johnson finally figured out that they really do need to put stricter restrictions in place.

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4/8/2020 6:51:01 PM
Tak to byl dost frmol, takhle narychlo se stěhovat!!Jsem zvědavá na mamču teda, jak tohle prožila ona..Každopádně jsi šikulka, všecko jsi zvládla včetně bakalářky:-)) Drž se, foť a buďte zdraví:-)
4/8/2020 1:37:14 PM
Skvěle nafocený week i cesta domů... Těším se na mamky týden, snad se mi podaří ho uhlídat. :-D Mějte se a opatrujte se... :-)
4/8/2020 9:04:49 AM
Ahoj Zuzko. Jsem rád, že vidíš situaci tak pozitivně. Přeju si abys nakazila všechny starší touho pozitivitou. :) Bylo pěkné k tobě nahlédnout. Měj se fajn. :)
4/7/2020 10:32:18 AM
Hodně zajímavé :-)...

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next dayright arrow 02 | Last week in Glasgow - 23. 3. 2020