Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 202nd week - 14. 11. 2018

8. 11.Thursday


9. 11.Friday


10. 11.Saturday


11. 11.Sunday


12. 11.Monday


13. 11.Tuesday


14. 11.Wednesday

Early in the morning we leave to the airport and our departure is at 9 am. A few hours later we see in that it's getting dark. :D Well, time shift. We arrive to Dubai at 7:30 pm local time. In the hotel hall, we notice that everything is from marble. :D We accommodate ourselves and we go to the streets. We live in the old part of Dubai where are a lot of Indian and Pakistan people. We're walking down the street and it seems like Alda doesn't exist at all. If I was walking alone, they would eat me. We went to Indian restaurant, where we had a great chat with a young Indian, and the food was excellent, great! :)

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1/8/2019 8:47:20 PM
Zajímavý týden...TOP Čt/4...
1/7/2019 7:59:36 PM
Dneska mi to zase vyšlo a jsem po večeři … navíc tu zas tolik jídla není, takže pohoda … zase tu je cítit to těšení na dovolenou … jste to vychytali, punč hřeje málo a tak útěk do tepla … Mucinqa to pozná … to je kočičí šestý smysl … no už se na Dubaj těším, koukal jsem že doháníš skluz …

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left arrowprevious day 202nd week - 14. 11. 2018