Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 189th week - 13. 8. 2018

9. 8.Thursday


10. 8.Friday


11. 8.Saturday


12. 8.Sunday


13. 8.Monday


14. 8.Tuesday


15. 8.Wednesday

Today I have a one more day vacation, so I go to visit my grandma. :) She was glad, we had a nice talk, I shared my experiences from Croatia, brought a gift and in the afternoon going back. Alda brought absolutelly the best ginger beer I've ever drank. It was brought from England by his colleague. And in the evening, I'm taking photos of the Super8 & Tab, that I won! :)) And I cannot wait to hear it.

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10/4/2018 11:18:03 PM
vypadá to, že jste si dovolenou náramně užili :) a věřím, že Mucinqa vás náležitě přivítala ;) a návraty do práce po dovolené znám a naprosto chápu to totální (ne)nasazení :)) E.
9/26/2018 8:59:27 PM
Fajn dovolená :))

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 189th week - 13. 8. 2018