Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 174th week - 1. 5. 2018

26. 4.Thursday


27. 4.Friday


28. 4.Saturday


29. 4.Sunday


30. 4.Monday


1. 5.Tuesday


2. 5.Wednesday

We bought Cini Minis to milk, yummy :D... Alda is working and he looks good :))... We drove kilometers by car and no blooming cherry tree anywhere! So at least a kiss under the already not blooming tree and then under the blooming apple tree :))... I received a birthday package for my birthday (also with the socks) from Klariss, thanks :)... The headphones are just the best...

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5/14/2018 10:50:39 PM
Toho jíídla, až budu mít hlad, tak přijdu asi zas :-) Líbí
5/14/2018 12:52:14 PM
Moc pěkný week Romi..., líbí se mi tady... :-D btw sluchátka, to je parádní produktová fotka. :-D

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 174th week - 1. 5. 2018