Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 165th week - 26. 2. 2018

22. 2.Thursday


23. 2.Friday


24. 2.Saturday


25. 2.Sunday


26. 2.Monday


27. 2.Tuesday


28. 2.Wednesday

Brrr, that's cold, after morning -15 degrees... I did a great broccoli spread for a breakfast but Alda didn't take it to work, because he said that there is too much broccoli :D... I'm looking forward to have a sour sauce, which we brought from grandma on Saturday. I have ordered it there too :D... As the winner of the topic "Tasty and good looking food" in Photographer of the Year, I get print on canvas 90x60cm. I chose a photo of the project 365, my favorite photo with nutella! :))

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3/7/2018 8:52:07 AM
Jen počkej, teď je kolo zvířat. Naše miciny to musí vyhrát :D
3/6/2018 4:56:38 PM
3/6/2018 4:56:21 PM
Romčo, graruluji!:-)))
3/6/2018 3:26:33 PM
Jsi holka šikovná :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 165th week - 26. 2. 2018