Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 157th week - 1. 1. 2018

28. 12.Thursday


29. 12.Friday


30. 12.Saturday


31. 12.Sunday


1. 1.Monday


2. 1.Tuesday


3. 1.Wednesday

So Happy New Year 2018! Let it be even better than the previous one and especially a lot of health! :)... We had a time for everything that night. Fabric, Marley and then back to the house. We left the house at 11:30 am and we came back to home around 1-2 pm :D... So all day sleeping and relaxing...

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1/16/2018 8:01:35 PM
Prima týden, přeju ať se Ti v nové práci daří... :-)
1/15/2018 11:05:21 AM
Hodně štěstí v nové práci. Super week.
1/15/2018 9:54:41 AM
tak vše nej do nového roku. 1.1 musela být náročná akce :D Jednorožkachnička je topová :D:D

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 157th week - 1. 1. 2018