Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 154th week - 13. 12. 2017

7. 12.Thursday


8. 12.Friday


9. 12.Saturday


10. 12.Sunday


11. 12.Monday


12. 12.Tuesday


13. 12.Wednesday

I'm wearing Alda's bathrobe... Magnosolv is requied daily... Today, finally a dentist visit! And finally is in the care, my already two months, pained back tooth with the hole. She opened it, cleansed a little, pulled its nerve out and sealed it and on Friday I will go to clean two dental canals... She said that without the nerve it should be ok and no pain but I got brutally pain in Olympia, I almost fainted so Algifen drops helped me at home. Then it was good and I could finally drink cold and hot and no pain!... Mucinqa just likes her privacy :D...

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1/5/2018 12:08:48 PM
Krásne vlasy! a super týždeň!
1/4/2018 5:49:06 PM
Bezva týden...prima Mucka, pohledná jídla, ale top je to nové háro! Ti bude moc slušet...Všechno dobré do 2018 přeji!
1/3/2018 1:17:17 PM

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left arrowprevious day 154th week - 13. 12. 2017