Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 153rd week - 1. 12. 2017

30. 11.Thursday


1. 12.Friday


2. 12.Saturday


3. 12.Sunday


4. 12.Monday


5. 12.Tuesday


6. 12.Wednesday

Outside are interesting colors but it's cold so I'm making a fire in the fireplace... In the afternoon checking the coffee tables with Alda and in the evening we make excellent chicken wings!... I've got big nutellaaa, thanksss :)... Finally I have a led lightbox!

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1/3/2018 11:04:00 AM
Pri krbe by som sa aj ja tak opaľovala :)
1/1/2018 3:49:11 PM to se ví, krb, to je něco pro kočky...přeji úspěšný nový rok!
12/29/2017 1:46:44 PM
fajn tyzden. a wolacky zraz vyzera tiez velmi sympaticky. zdravim.
12/28/2017 1:09:57 PM
Hahaha :))) zdravím zdravím!
12/27/2017 9:18:20 PM
Fajn týden. Zdraví Lenka - ne Vízdalová :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 153rd week - 1. 12. 2017