Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 150th week - 10. 11. 2017

9. 11.Thursday


10. 11.Friday


11. 11.Saturday


12. 11.Sunday


13. 11.Monday


14. 11.Tuesday


15. 11.Wednesday

We are drinking teas and Alda's mom baked a delicious pear pie... We went to city center in Olomouc in the evening and we took a garlic soup Pod Limpou but it's not a garlic soup at all... They have this big French breads in Globus! My grandma always complains that she doesn't know where to buy it because there in Albert they have only the small packed ones... There is an exhibition of these super cars. I would like to sit there once :D... I have bean pods on pizza for the first time and it is very good... And the wine!

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12/18/2017 7:29:32 PM
Skvěle nafocený týden..., samé mňamky... :-D
12/18/2017 5:54:36 PM
To je přímo lavina chutí, kam na ty dobroty chodíš...:-)
12/17/2017 3:15:57 AM
12/17/2017 3:15:56 AM
12/16/2017 7:34:45 PM
Zase dobrej tejden...taky se nezastavis ;)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 150th week - 10. 11. 2017