Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 131st week - 5. 7. 2017

29. 6.Thursday


30. 6.Friday


1. 7.Saturday


2. 7.Sunday


3. 7.Monday


4. 7.Tuesday


5. 7.Wednesday

We had ordered a sauna with whirpool for today and we came and nobody is here. Yes, it's a holiday but they ordered us for this day. Mobile numbers are inaccessible. So we will try it on Friday or Monday... Today starts a 4-day music marathon called Beats for Love! :) Greatly tuned and full of delicious bread, we met Mr. Bean and we are partying till morning hours, raining and raining. Fatboy Slim was amazing, and thanks for the cloaks which we had!

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7/20/2017 10:49:21 PM
Zase nabitý týden, ty ani jinak neumíš...tak ať ti ta nová sestava dobře šlape...:-)

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left arrowprevious day 131st week - 5. 7. 2017