Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 126th week - 29. 5. 2017

25. 5.Thursday


26. 5.Friday


27. 5.Saturday


28. 5.Sunday


29. 5.Monday


30. 5.Tuesday


31. 5.Wednesday

Mucina bite headphones... I'm working whole day and waiting for 1 pm to end when Aleš picks me up and we will go to whirpool and sauna with champagne and finally it didn't happen. We arrived there half an hour before and the woman told us that the couple before us broke something and the water is flowing everywhere so we are ordered for another date... However Aleš came here so we are spending the rest of the day at Baška! :)

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6/12/2017 8:38:58 AM
Skvěle užitej víkend! :)
6/10/2017 4:33:38 PM
Pěkný týden. Nejvíc se mi líbí chropyňská sobota.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 126th week - 29. 5. 2017