Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

Editor`s Choice

Oslabení pokračuje.
It is probably needless to explain why we selected František Vrba for this section. Even your responses clearly show that it is an extraordinarily captured week of life in an environment that we often forget in our hurried lives. On behalf of the editor’s office, we would like to add that it is one of the most personal and sincere sets on Week of Life, which serves us life as it is, without superfluous façade.
Tenkrát poprvé
Frequently visiting the same locations and meeting common faces every day can often lead to ignorance of our surroundings and total resignation of hope to experience something completely new to us. Yet all it takes is a hint of desire, as Mr. Fomas, the author of the week picked for today’s Editor’s Choice, claims. While documenting his life, he realized that there are plenty of unseen images around him he previously ignored or simply chose not to take notice of. His practically black and white set called ‘Once upon a time’ is a perfect example of this discovered sensation.
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