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Cakes - Using the SCENE mode

Cakes - Using the SCENE mode

Cakes and desserts on display at cafes or pastry shops can be gorgeous and pleasing to the eye no less than to the taste. However many people have experienced taking pictures of a cake that looks delicious only to end up with not so appetising pictures. If the picture is not right, even if you show it around, it will fail to convey the deliciousness of the food. Try using the [SCENE] modes.

[CUISINE], one of the [SCENE] modes, is very convenient for taking pictures of cakes and desserts. Settings are adjusted to really bring out the colors of the food and macro mode is used automatically, so you can get close to the subject to take the picture. Thanks to the slightly stronger colors it is much easier to take mouth-watering pictures of food and cakes.

By setting the [SCENE] mode to [CUISINE] the macro mode and color scheme are automatically set. Try getting as close as possible to the food to take the picture. The flash is usually set to [AUTO] so don't forget to set it to [ (Flash off)]. In most cases, when you take pictures of food using the built-in flash, the food will not appear very tasty in the picture. Also note that food will look more delicious in the picture if the picture is taken slightly brighter than in real life. Try getting a brighter picture by adjusting the exposure compensation towards the [+].

Compare the effects of the different shooting modes



Try using exposure compensation in addition to the [SCENE] mode [CUISINE]


Useful things to remember

  • If you frame the picture so that a small part of the plate is left out of the picture instead of taking the whole full plate, the picture will be fancier and more attractive.
  • If the cake or dessert is very small, it may not appear large enough in macro mode. Try using super macro mode. The flash is automatically set to flash off.
  • When the flash is set to [ (Flash off)], blur is more likely to occur. Use a higher ISO sensitivity to avoid blur.

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