Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

Photo courses - first level


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Taking Pictures of Landscapes - Cityscapes 1 08.04.2010 More

Cityscapes of streets and scenery glowing with the setting sun are always beautiful and dramatic.


Foto kurzy

Taking Pictures of Landscapes - Snowscenes 2 26.03.2010 More

Snow scenes in pure white can be very beautiful. It's also not that hard to take pictures of them, but it may be difficult to capture that pure-white look.

Sníh 1

Taking Pictures of Landscapes - Snowscenes 1 08.03.2010 More

Sometimes when you take a picture of snowy scenes, the resulting picture does not really express the cold feel of the snow. Adjust the White Balance to get the right impression.



Useful Tips - Auto Bracket 25.01.2010 More

When shooting pictures, it is often difficult to decide what exposure setting should be used. One big advantage of digital cameras is that you can delete unwanted pictures after a shooting session. Therefore, it is recommended that you take extra pictures with various exposure settings. In such a case, the BKT (Auto Bracket) function - if your camera supports it - will come in handy.

Auto Bracket

Useful Tips - Exposure compensation or flash 25.01.2010 More

When shooting pictures indoors or in a dimly lit location, you need to change the camera setting so that the subject will be adequately illuminated. Methods using exposure compensation or flash are available. Which option you should use will differ depending on the picture subject and the conditions for taking the picture.

Exposure compensation

Useful Tips - Pictures of children 25.01.2010 More

When you take pictures of children or places where children play, try to take the picture from a height that is level with the child's eyes and not from above.

Pictures of children

Taking Pictures of People - Night Scene 22.01.2010 More

When taking pictures of a combination of people and a night scene, you need to use the flash to illuminate the people and also set a slow shutter speed to get a good picture of the night scene.

Foto kurzy

Taking Pictures of People - Indoors 2 22.01.2010 More

When you take snapshots of children or souvenir pictures you surely want to capture great smiles. But timing the shot to the exact moment of someone smiling is not easy.

Photo courses

Taking Pictures of People - Outdoors 21.01.2010 More

When you take pictures of people, especially women, it is important to take an attractive portrait. Depending on the shooting conditions, it may be difficult to get exactly the picture you have in mind..

Phot courses

Taking Pictures of People - Idoors 1 21.01.2010 More

Close to windows where the light shines in, the light from the outside is brighter than the light inside. A picture taken in this type of setting will result in the subject appearing silhouetted.    

Photo courses


Latest Comments

Milada Bursíková 22.10.2024 - 16:10:46

Pepo, chatka, vic si prat... Ja vim no, mene deste, ale priroda je priroda... Hlavne, ze se povedlo a ...

Josef Písek 22.10.2024 - 12:29:12

Pěkná záložka u Kocába...s počítačem v, jsou stále dokonalejší...:-)

Josef Písek 22.10.2024 - 12:14:42

Ty jsi prostě "pilník"...dobrá práce ve Lhotě...A vždycky když zahlédnu vaše venkovní posezení, tak se zasním...:-)

Josef Písek 22.10.2024 - 12:03:42

Hezký....když vnímáš děj, který fotíš, tak se leccos přiučíš je prima...:-)

Marshal 22.10.2024 - 10:55:04

Josífku, máš to krásné. Byť déšt přinesl nesnáze, zase je to něčím jiné. Nemůže být přece všechno jednoduché :-) Mo...

Vasil Chymčák 21.10.2024 - 22:59:37

Táta říkal "Voda je múdrá, cestu si najde..", to jen my si myslíme, že poručíme větru, dešti (i vodě), a pak se nes...

Vasil Chymčák 21.10.2024 - 22:52:54

Zdravím z HK, máte tam na severu divokej život, ale jsou z toho zajímavé weeky..

Vasil Chymčák 21.10.2024 - 22:49:42

Zdravím a přeji brzké uzdravení.

Vasil Chymčák 21.10.2024 - 22:47:26

Zdravím z HK, Prima week. Závidím docenturu, mě vydržela po návratu z nemocnice týden..

Vasil Chymčák 21.10.2024 - 22:42:45

Tvé návraty mě baví. Tento, i když není prosluněný, má kouzlo..