Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

left arrowpředchozí den následující denright arrow Víno je nebe a peklo - 21. 9. 2016
Sdílet týden

17. 9.Sobota


18. 9.Neděle


19. 9.Pondělí


20. 9.Úterý


21. 9.Středa


22. 9.Čtvrtek


23. 9.Pátek

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
We went to Hora Klet' with Lenka. Walking in the mountain was pretty fun and it was beautiful. I hope someday I would like to go picking mushrooms. In the night, they showed us their music. I've got many Czech music from them and I became to like them. I'm so happy :-)

Musíš být přihlášen, abys mohl přidat komentář.

Přihlášení Registrace

10/26/2016 7:09:43 AM
Dobry den Zdenek, Katerina, Lenka and Zdenek! Thank you for your comments. I'm also happy I can show my week in your country again. I don't have a skill of photo, but I enjoy taking photos in the Czech Republic. Thre are many places I'm interested in, Olomouc, Karlovy Vary, Cesky raj and small towns and villages... so I want to came back again and again. :-)
10/25/2016 10:26:40 PM
This week is very nice. So many familiar faces and places and much praise our small country. WoL is an amazing project that connects people regardless of nationality ... so much I enjoy it all to watch and be a part of. Junko thanks to you and Tetsuya, you're also part of this and that you love us. Sorry for bad English.
10/25/2016 6:29:26 PM
This is very nice week, Junko. I think it was wonderful holiday for You and I am happy for the time with You. Our country can be proud that You go here back again and again.
10/25/2016 2:24:01 PM
I agree that the South Moravia is beautiful country and our folk costumes are the prettiest, I think. It's really action week from Czech republic. Shame that hangover. :) But I believe that you had a great times here. Sends greetings to Japan!
10/25/2016 9:13:34 AM
Super :-) Zdravíme do Japonska!

left arrowpředchozí dennásledující denright arrow Víno je nebe a peklo - 21. 9. 2016