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next dayright arrow 207th week - 13. 12. 2018
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13. 12.Joi


14. 12.Vineri


15. 12.Sâmbătă


16. 12.Duminică


17. 12.Luni


18. 12.Marţi


19. 12.Miercuri

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Ten vánoční jeřáb mě fakt baví. :) Dnes z práce domů dřív a zapaluju krb, bo je kosa. Pak spánek a pak chystačka na firemní vánoční večeři, kde musíme být společensky oblečeni, žejo. Předkrm byl dobrý, ale hlavní chod - polokrvavá husa, mě fakt nezaujala, ač jsem ji ochutnala. Dezert taky celkem dobrý. Nicméně porce fakt malinké. :D Byl tam aj raut, ale bramborový salát mi vůbec nechutnal a řízečky nebyly křupavé. :D No, myslím si, že bych do NH Hotelu jen tak nešla, a to se pyšní 4*! Nicméně ochutnávka rumů to zachránila! :) That Christmas crane really enjoyes me. :) Today leaving from work earlier and at home setting up a fireplace, because it's cold. Then sleep, and then a preparation for a corporate Christmas dinner, whene we have to be socially dressed. The starter was good, but the main course - the half-blooded goose, really didn't get my attention, though I tasted it. Dessert was also quite good. However, portions really small. :D There was also a buffet, but I didn't like potato salad and snitzels were not crunchy. :D Well, I think I would not go to NH Hotel, though it's 4* hotel! However, Rum tasting has saved the night! :)

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next dayright arrow 207th week - 13. 12. 2018