Viaţa pe planeta Pământ văzută de locuitorii acesteia

Selecţie redacţie

Vánoce 2009
Petr Kleiner's week is interesting not only with the infinite number of expressions his daughter is able to charm on her face. His week also allowed us to explore the underwater world. His images of a little mermaid taken under the surface of a swimming pool perfectly fit into the low key atmosphere and the cold tones of this Christmas week.
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1. Dubnový - Denver 2002
2 Nov - 8 Nov
It’s interesting to watch what people focus their attention on while capturing their week of life. In the case of this student’s set, the focus is undoubtedly on words, messages, signs. There are so many around us but in our hurried world we don’t have the time and often even mood to stop and devote a few more seconds of attention to them. Coswig did this and as a result, not only can we look over the life around her but also in a fun way read into it. At the same time, her set caught our attention with a different perspective, a different outlook on the world. Thanks to this it earned its place in our Editor’s choice.
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