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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 150th week - 11. 11. 2017
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9. 11.Joi


10. 11.Vineri


11. 11.Sâmbătă


12. 11.Duminică


13. 11.Luni


14. 11.Marţi


15. 11.Miercuri

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Už od rána jedeme Vini Vici a kluci (přítel od Viki, Svatavčiné ségry, s jeho bráchou) dnes přijeli na celý den makat na střechu, sbírat ty polystyrenové kloboučky, atak. Je tam teho hromada. Naplnili celý kontejner a ještě je tam teho tak na jeden celý kontejner... Na oběd jsme měli výborné zelí... Večer umýváme auto v myčce a Mucka zajímavě spinká :D... Listening to Vini Vici already since morning and the guys (boyfriend of Viki, Svatava's sis, with his bro) today came to work on the roof, collecting these polystyrene hats, and so on. There's a pile there. They filled the whole container and there are still left for another container... For lunch we had a delicious cabbage... In the evening washing the car in the dishwasher and Mucinqa sleeps interestingly :D... to work on the roof, collecting these polystyrene hats, and so on. There's a pile there. They filled the whole container and there are still left for another container... For lunch we had a delicious cabbage... In the evening washing the car in the dishwasher and Mucinqa sleeps interestingly :D...

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Accesare Înregistrare

12/18/2017 7:29:32 PM
Skvěle nafocený týden..., samé mňamky... :-D
12/18/2017 5:54:36 PM
To je přímo lavina chutí, kam na ty dobroty chodíš...:-)
12/17/2017 3:15:57 AM
12/17/2017 3:15:56 AM
12/16/2017 7:34:45 PM
Zase dobrej tejden...taky se nezastavis ;)

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