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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 135th week - 28. 7. 2017
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27. 7.Joi


28. 7.Vineri


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30. 7.Duminică


31. 7.Luni


1. 8.Marţi


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Odjíždíme s Alešem na víkend do Hradce Králové na Air Festival. Svatava hlídá Mucinqu. :) Dali jsme si poprvé v životě losos tatarák a pecka! KSHMR si to dnes dal perfektně a my jsme si to nejvíc užili i přes to bahno. :) We are leaving with Aleš for a weekend in Hradec Králové for Air Festival. Svatava is with Mucinqa. :) We have tried salmon tartar for the first time in our life and amazing! KSHMR played perfectly tonight and we enjoyed it so much even with mud. :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 135th week - 28. 7. 2017