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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 131st week - 30. 6. 2017
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29. 6.Joi


30. 6.Vineri


1. 7.Sâmbătă


2. 7.Duminică


3. 7.Luni


4. 7.Marţi


5. 7.Miercuri

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Česky English
Aleš mi přibalil i myšku, co používám doma, a tak mám dnes v práci dvě :D... Večer jedeme do Valmezu na sraz s děckama z mé střední školy. Bylo to super všecky zas vidět! A dostavila sa aj Alenka, naša bývalá třídní. :) Aleš has packed my mouse which I use at home so I have two at work today :D... In the evening we are going to Valašské Meziříčí for a meeting with my friends from my High School. It was great to see everybody again! And Alice, our former class teacher, also came. :)

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Accesare Înregistrare

7/20/2017 10:49:21 PM
Zase nabitý týden, ty ani jinak neumíš...tak ať ti ta nová sestava dobře šlape...:-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 131st week - 30. 6. 2017