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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 129th week - 16. 6. 2017
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15. 6.Joi


16. 6.Vineri


17. 6.Sâmbătă


18. 6.Duminică


19. 6.Luni


20. 6.Marţi


21. 6.Miercuri

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Po práci jedeme k pánovi domů do servisu a UV filtr bude muset naříznout a sundat. Taky jsem si tam nechala vyčistit foťák a objektivy, a když odjíždím s téměř prázdnou brašnou, cítím se jak bez srdce. :D :D Večer přijeli děti, ségra od Svatavy s přítelem Ondrou :D :D A grilujeme. After work we go to the serviceman and he will have to remove the UV filter by cutting. I also left him my camera and lenses to clean up and on the way back with almost empty bag, I feel like without a heart. :D :D And we also went down to the trench as we dodged against the car. The man went for jeepe and helped us... In the evening came kids, sister of Svatava and her b-friend Ondra :D :D And we are making bbq.

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Accesare Înregistrare

7/11/2017 9:30:06 AM
Rýmovník? to neznám...a hodil by se...
7/10/2017 11:14:21 PM
No ... takto zakousnutý filtr jsem ještě neviděl ...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 129th week - 16. 6. 2017