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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 103rd week - 16. 12. 2016
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15. 12.Joi


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Česky English
Po práci jedu navštívit Zdeničku s Honzou, protože Libča mi dojede, až v noci. A tak kecáme, Kulička roste jak z vody, popíjáme a konečně su doma s Libčou a ukazuje mi, kolik stála oprava mobilizéru. Ano, už sa nám stačilo pokazit auto, máme novou baterku (protože byla 16 let stará) a muselo auto do servisu s mobilizérem, a už by sa to nemělo nikdy stát, tak snad. Celková cena za opravy 6000,-, hnus takhle před Vánocemi. :) After work I'm going to visit Zdenička and Honza because Libča will come at night. So we are chatting, Kuliča is growing up and finally I'm at home with Libča and he is showing me how much costed to repair mobilizer. Yes, our car got broken already, we have a new car battery (because was 16 years old) and the car must go to the car service with mobilizer and it should never happen again. The total cost of repairs is 6000,- not nice before Christmas. :)

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1/2/2017 3:27:21 PM
Vánoční klasika...super :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 103rd week - 16. 12. 2016