Życie na planecie Ziemi oczami jej mieszkańców

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Week 4 - 3. 7. 2017
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29. 6.Czwartek


30. 6.Piątek


1. 7.Sobota


2. 7.Niedziela


3. 7.Poniedziałek


4. 7.Wtorek


5. 7.Środa

Zestaw tego użytkownika zawiera podpis dnia w innym języku, aniżeli język strony, z której teraz korzystasz.
Pink soup coming up! || Nom nom it's here, let's feast|| Weakness moment. Went to that L'eclair shop again. || Peaches! || Trying out Riceworks, I am obsessed with all of the things out there in stores... || Evening selfie. || Ow yeah. someone knows me well. || Avocado, of course. will combine with the Riceworkies later :P || All he does is WORK. ||

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7/14/2017 9:20:11 AM
Too much fruit and vegetables for me but a beautiful week ;)
7/13/2017 8:32:03 PM
The week is the promotion of healthy food ... and it's your character to know ... bravo!
7/13/2017 7:56:53 PM
love the smell of new books too:)

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