Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

následující denright arrow One week of my summer holiday - 26. 7. 2011
Sdílet týden

26. 7.Úterý


27. 7.Středa


28. 7.Čtvrtek


29. 7.Pátek


30. 7.Sobota


31. 7.Neděle


1. 8.Pondělí

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
I visited our brother and his family with my sister's family. 1.-3. Looked the beautiful surroundings. 4.-6. My niece served some "coffee and biscuits" for me. 7.-9. Ate some snack, and played hide and seek with the cat.

Musíš být přihlášen, abys mohl přidat komentář.

Přihlášení Registrace

8/23/2011 4:47:12 PM
Nice! Typical Finnish summer.. :-)
8/23/2011 12:23:48 PM
Very nice pictures here! I like it.
8/23/2011 12:11:37 PM
Yes, but that makes it different from other projects where you just upload pics and wait for comments. Here, people photograph their summers, vacations or even years, so in the end, a week is not such a long period of time. Anyway, we look forward to that autumn week and wish you a lot of courage :)
8/23/2011 10:46:28 AM
Thank you for your nice comments! Yes I hope so too, I have planned that I'll photograph at least one set this autumn. This is interesting but at the same time quite challenging project.
8/23/2011 10:06:37 AM
Welcome back after almost two years. Thanks for a great week and we hope that you will photograph more of your life and share it with us sooner than in another two years! Good job!
8/22/2011 1:18:24 PM
Great! ... and Mo-7 = mmmm.. :)
8/22/2011 8:30:04 AM
Very nice week.

následující denright arrow One week of my summer holiday - 26. 7. 2011