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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 8. 1. 2013

3. 1.Четверг


4. 1.Пятница


5. 1.Суббота


6. 1.Воскресенье


7. 1.Понедельник


8. 1.Вторник


9. 1.Среда

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Todaaay was an Olomouc day! I means spend almost the whole day in that beautiful, but quiet city, with that amazing person, see that awesome art works, art exhibition and have a lunch among the students. Thoughts flowing through my mind, that town could be mine, I could study there, I could...no...I couldn´t. Love London too much...In the evening time with grandparents and than we´ve got a visitors, another cousin, who came from Finland:) We both have something to say, i guess:) The night with Adele, ooou, and how much I miss that? Do not ask...

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1/25/2013 3:03:29 PM
Moc hezké a dojemné.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 8. 1. 2013