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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow France! - 8. 8. 2011
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5. 8.Пятница


6. 8.Суббота


7. 8.Воскресенье


8. 8.Понедельник


9. 8.Вторник


10. 8.Среда


11. 8.Четверг

Перпиньян. Прогулка, покупки, вечернее освещение.

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9/12/2011 1:11:33 AM
...especially "the pinhole pictures"... :) do you know that those inflatable toys /sunday4/ are originally from Czech ? :)
9/12/2011 1:03:01 AM
i love this week, wonderful...
9/10/2011 1:39:13 AM
Petr, oh, thank u! It's great, that I'm Russian Kamil, Paris is closer for you than for me. So why you are not going there? Or i'm in mistake and you saw it? Thank u, guys! My trip was wonderful!
9/9/2011 1:24:18 PM
Photo from Versailes is epic :)
9/7/2011 1:11:04 PM
wonderful week, especially from Paris, my "one-of-the-dream-destination" :)...I wish more:)
9/6/2011 5:47:28 PM
Аня in Wonderland... :)
9/6/2011 5:17:07 PM
The number of Russian weeks have dropped, so I'm glad you have supplied us with another one. Thank you. Oh, and its great :)
9/6/2011 4:08:22 PM
Very nice week!
9/6/2011 2:21:41 PM
Great week!!!

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