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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Waiting for the winter 2009 - 27. 10. 2009

26. 10.Понедельник


27. 10.Вторник


28. 10.Среда


29. 10.Четверг


30. 10.Пятница


31. 10.Суббота


1. 11.Воскресенье

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Woke up kind of late (around 10) fixed breakfast, had some light therapy, read the news and blogs. Studying most of the day. Boring. Went jogging later afternoon. A bit more Cisco studies and working with a friends new website. After one hour Nordic Walking I did not feel like going to food stores so fixed a VEEEERY simple dinner. Blogged about Week of Like -website and did nothing after that. I noticed that I met nobody and I did not speak with anybody today except to my cats and with my BF on the phone.

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1/4/2010 7:50:11 PM
Interesting house. Is the great green bedroom with light therapy..;-)
11/21/2009 12:41:08 AM
cozy home)))

left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Waiting for the winter 2009 - 27. 10. 2009