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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Week of Storm, Tours and Cooking - 9. 7. 2010
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6. 7.Вторник


7. 7.Среда


8. 7.Четверг


9. 7.Пятница


10. 7.Суббота


11. 7.Воскресенье


12. 7.Понедельник

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First thing in the morning I went to upload the pictures of the storm on the Facebook and got loads of comments on it, On my way to lunch I met Marc who was moving some stuff, I had a big welcome when I got home, on the way back to work I stopped at Julie's cafe for little bit, In the work I had to do some maintenance on our head lamps, Going home from work and see this crazy sign, On the way I picked some money from ATM for Friday night, when we were getting ready to go out we had a little company outside of our window, And this how I like to get ready for evening drinking - with pint from Czechland full of Belizien beer ;-)

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7/17/2010 2:45:17 PM
Belize (or the part you live in) seems to be such a quiet place, at least that's what I sense from your images :-) ...By the way, I LOVE scary storms - have not experienced one in a very long time here :-)
7/16/2010 9:59:48 PM
Prostě radost tvé týdny sledovat. Musí to být u Vás nádhera a o moc větší teplo tam asi nebude. Na Moravě jsou nyní teploty standartně kolem 35 st. Nikdy jsem nebyl pod kokosovou palmou. Jako kluk kolem dvanácti let jsem je pořád maloval... Zdravím přs půlku světa!!!
7/16/2010 11:50:32 AM
It's amazing. Belize is so exotic for human who lives in the Cetral Europe. Yours week are interesting. Zdraví LB

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