La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Week 20 - 5th Week in Uk - 4. 11. 2010
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2. 11.Mardi


3. 11.Mercredi


4. 11.Jeudi


5. 11.Vendredi


6. 11.Samedi


7. 11.Dimanche


8. 11.Lundi

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When I drop Nicola to the train station, there was a storm in making with heavy clouds hanging over us. Our TV arrived so I went home and put it on. Of coarse no Sky yet so no programs ;-) I did try to fix the washing machine door that I broke but I could not, so I called professionals to give me hand. Afternoon in the kennels with Kody and Marley.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Week 20 - 5th Week in Uk - 4. 11. 2010