La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 176th week - 12. 5. 2018

10. 5.Jueves


11. 5.Viernes


12. 5.Sábado


13. 5.Domingo


14. 5.Lunes


15. 5.Martes


16. 5.Miércoles

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Česky English
Loni touhle dobou v tenhle den, jsme byli v Amsterdamu na Arminovi, kde sme to dali s Aldou ofiko dohromady. :) Takže dnes slavíme rok, zašli jsme si na sushi a pak do BlackStuffu, kde jsme ochutnali výborné pivko, sledovali hokej a popíjeli Zacapu XO, mňam! Last year on this day, we were in Amsterdam on Armin, where we started to be officially together with Alda. :) So today we are celebrating one year together, we went for sushi and then to BlackStuff, where we had a great beer, watched ice hockey and drank Zacapa XO, yummy!

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 176th week - 12. 5. 2018