La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

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Kaspyho 1. týden
Seeing the world through the eyes of Kamil Kašpárek must be interesting. His first week on WoL suggests so. From all your comments and reactions, it is evident that you are fully enjoying the ideas and diverse thoughts of our new member. As members, you keep on surprising and inspiring us and even though we live through the same moments and find ourselves in similar situations, it’s almost beyond belief how many ways you can represent your life and involve your soul at the same time; as it is the case of Kaspy’s 1st week.
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In spite of our lives being affected by a mixture of stereotypes, empty boring moments and everyday problems, it is entirely up to us how we live up to our own expectations and how frequently we choose to look at life in a positive way. Jan Nožička joined the Week of Life family and ushered in with his life portrayed through camera obscura, immediately gaining our favor due to his photographic touch and attention to detail. We are looking forward to his future steps and welcome him to WoL.
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