Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 114th week - 4. 3. 2017

2. 3.Thursday


3. 3.Friday


4. 3.Saturday


5. 3.Sunday


6. 3.Monday


7. 3.Tuesday


8. 3.Wednesday

In the morning I'm leaving for a visit to Chropyně and finally I have a little time to start reading Harry Potter! Unconscionably I fell down into the story and I felt like being there in Bradavice with them :D... Whole day was followed by gluttony of grandma, grandpa sharpened my knifes and then Aleš picked me up in Chropyně by car because he was visiting grandma near to Chropyně :D... In the evening we went to cinema for Split and I have to say that after a long time this is really amazing movie! Much thoughtful and so deep, the actor should get an Oscar for this role!

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3/14/2017 4:11:32 PM
Jasněže mám přečtené všecky díly, Marťo. Nebo aspoň myslím :D Už je to delší doba.
3/14/2017 10:05:02 AM
fakt pěkný týden, Romčo! :))) a s Harrym to mám vždy úplně stejně :) člověka to strašně moc pohltí... četla jsi všechny díly?:) pokud ne - MUSÍŠ!!! :D měj se krásně ♥
3/11/2017 3:44:52 PM
Číča je úžasná! Jinak skvělý týden a Yes Chips taky miluju <3

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 114th week - 4. 3. 2017