Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 113th week - 27. 2. 2017

23. 2.Thursday


24. 2.Friday


25. 2.Saturday


26. 2.Sunday


27. 2.Monday


28. 2.Tuesday


1. 3.Wednesday

And again Monday is here and Mucinqa almost ate chilli potato pancake from yesterday!... After work going to the center to meet my friend Svatava and we are going to check new cafe Boule za ušima! Pleasant environment where I saw Club Matte in menu so thanks to Martina Š. I had to try it! :D Mmm, interesting taste, yummy! :) But what about this cake! Rosemary cheesecake from sugar mama. Buááá, it was so delicious, I will visit this place often! :) Zdeněk sent me a link to an article about my vernissage on WoL blog. Thanks a lot for the article! :)

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3/7/2017 3:47:00 PM
...blázen s foťákem?...ale to musí být, jinak se nic nového nenarodí...však to dobře víš, tvoje foto-tvorba je toho důkazem...
3/5/2017 10:35:44 PM

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 113th week - 27. 2. 2017