Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 104th week - 28. 12. 2016

22. 12.Thursday


23. 12.Friday


24. 12.Saturday


25. 12.Sunday


26. 12.Monday


27. 12.Tuesday


28. 12.Wednesday

Libča wakes me up with this the best breakfast ever, yummy! Then I finally want to drill photos in frames on the wall and my intention changes to complete "reconstruction" of our living room :D... We took half of the sofa and put it to the basement because the whole sofa was too big that occupied half of the living room. We moved completely all living room, all stuffs has a new place and we are really satisfied. :) My photos are already on the wall too! In the evening we are playing old video games! Mario ad so on! :D... Then I have found one hotel in Amsterdam for a good price so I'm booking it for 5 people for our trip in May.

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1/4/2017 5:18:42 PM
...v budoucnu červenobílá kuchyně je hezké...tak ať se daří...:-)
1/4/2017 3:08:40 PM
Slintám jako Pavlovovi psi... :-)
1/4/2017 11:53:50 AM
Týden plných stolů :-) ...

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left arrowprevious day 104th week - 28. 12. 2016