Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 98th week - 14. 11. 2016

10. 11.Thursday


11. 11.Friday


12. 11.Saturday


13. 11.Sunday


14. 11.Monday


15. 11.Tuesday


16. 11.Wednesday

Morning workout on the window and I'm getting a sore throat since yesterday so I made ginger with lemon and honey... Finishing eating broccoli cream and working... After work going to Akord because the lord of FotoFest invited me for a meeting to compensate me that I wasn't participating in the competition because he didn't receive my email with photos :D Really kind man, we have talked a lot about everything. And I will have an exhibition of photos in Akord since February in Small Galery, wuááá! :) In December we will write an article for the newsletter and will think about the poster, he will start it in January and in February the photos will publicly avalaible there, I'm really happy, thanks a lot! :)...

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11/29/2016 7:32:02 PM
Josef, Z jakého kamarádova úspěchu? :)) Šárko, děkuji. :))
11/29/2016 5:39:34 PM
Ahoj Romčo =) Máš bezva číču!
11/29/2016 3:20:43 PM
...sdílím tu Tvou radost z kamarádova úspěchu...určitě to bude zážitek...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 98th week - 14. 11. 2016