Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 62nd week - 6. 3. 2016

3. 3.Thursday


4. 3.Friday


5. 3.Saturday


6. 3.Sunday


7. 3.Monday


8. 3.Tuesday


9. 3.Wednesday

When I woke up, grandpa peels potatoes and I'm offering for breakfast delicious macaroons from Lidl which I bought for them :)... Some reading in iFotoVideo, lunch and before I realise, I'm back in Ostrava again... Muciq inhabited my suitcase and didn't want to go away. She may wants to go to travel too :))... Tickets for Sport Ball finally at home! :)... Spicy salad, home made from grandma. It was really so spicy that I almost cried :))... Scratching and sleep :)...

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3/28/2016 11:24:24 PM
Týden krásně nafocený a hodně pohodový. Opět září Muciq :-)
3/27/2016 10:49:25 PM
Super - jedlo, selfie, Muciq :)
3/25/2016 9:49:38 AM
Čt/1 - ha, šelma!...slyším ten řev...:-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 62nd week - 6. 3. 2016