Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 3d week - 21. 1. 2015

15. 1.Thursday


16. 1.Friday


17. 1.Saturday


18. 1.Sunday


19. 1.Monday


20. 1.Tuesday


21. 1.Wednesday

1) Waking up really late. So time to prepare lunch. I made spetzle with chicken in honey, delicious!... 2) I ordered this dress on internet and it arrived after 2 days. Unfortunatelly they are big for me even it is S size. So I will have to send them back... 3) Reparing some keychain... 4) Can you touch your nose by your tongue? I can't, haha. I could in children garden but my tongue got smaller, haha... 5) Waiting for Sergio... 6) Finally we are going to city center. To meet my finnish friend Jari, his g-friend Ania and spanish friend José. Jari and José were on Erasmus in Ostrava 2 years ago. They work in Ostrava but Jari will move to Ireland soon and Ania too... 7) It's 19:19 and we finally arrived to Stodolni station... 8) Mirror Pub... 9) After Mirror Pub we went with Sergio to Vrtule at Stodolni to drink one Dr. Vamp. Do you know it?...

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2/9/2015 11:36:40 PM
jaaaj, super fotky, energie... no a ty prachy, hih :)
2/8/2015 9:22:01 AM
Byl jsem upozorněn,ať kouknu na tvoje týdny...a opravdu-jsou skvělé :-) ...1000 Euro SUPER :-)
1/30/2015 8:38:00 AM
Gratuluju k výhře a týden parádní!!!
1/25/2015 9:20:08 AM
skvělý týden! a k té výhře moc gratuju :)
1/25/2015 9:20:07 AM
skvělý týden! a k té výhře moc gratuju :)

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left arrowprevious day 3d week - 21. 1. 2015