Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

Week of Life Magazine -  Current issue out now!

We are proud to introduce the Week of Life Magazine, primarily created to spread the idea of WoL across the whole world in as many ways possible. The largest contribution to the Magazine is by all means the connection with, the largest player on the international market in its field. We believe that individuals who have not yet come across WoL will find the idea interesting and we hope to see lives of new members from across the globe soon.

Week of Life Magazine


 Week of Life Magazine is in electronic form only and is available through


Week of Life, whether it be in the form of an internet documentary project or an electronic magazine, is nothing more than a place where people meet to share insights into the significance and unique quality of their own lives. They share much in common, despite living in all corners of the planet. Every one of us has an address, whether it be in Mexico, Germany, Russia or America; and some even have numerous addresses and citizenships at once. Yet, we are all connected by one thing – an understanding of the reality that we are all citizens of this stillbeautiful and wondrous planet Earth! Four years ago, when I was planning this project, I imagined a printed version would be released someday. And as the years have passed, what do you know, print is no longer needed. A new era brings along new possibilities and new possibilities bring along new solutions. I was always one who wanted to hold a physical magazine in my hands; I wanted to keep away from the complexity of modern times. I wanted to stay close to nature. And that is exactly why, in the end, we decided not to go ahead with a printed magazine and with this decision saved several more trees that would have been necessary to publish an issue. Whether we like it or not, there’s only one beautiful planet upon which we live. Let’s protect it, it is ours, the planet and its nature; and let us protect our interest in ourselves, our interest in what is around us, interest in our coinhabitants, their way of life, customs, habits, and culture. Protect these values in ourselves, if you have them, and take care of them. Together, we can create something that may remain as a cultural inheritance of this Earth.

I rejoice in learning about the lives of all of you.

Adolf Zika


Editor's office info

Week of Life Magazine - Editor's office info


Week of Life, s.r.o.
Holeckova 100/9, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic,

Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved

ISSN 1804-4670


You can download the previous issues here. Simply click on the cover of your desired issue!

2010/1 2010/2 2011/3



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5/5/2011 3:32:57 PM
Doufáme, že se líbí!
5/2/2011 1:02:22 PM
perfektní, děkujeme!! :-)
4/29/2011 2:49:59 PM
Děkuju za možnost stažení prvních dvou čísel.
4/20/2011 11:11:14 PM
už je doma.. :-)) a aj zaklopal ked prisiel..
4/20/2011 6:37:09 PM
4/20/2011 4:47:53 PM
Konečně tu máme 4. číslo, tak užívejte!
4/20/2011 3:24:22 PM
myslím že čtyřku :-)
1/6/2011 8:45:00 PM
a mame dma trojku .. :-)) dik..
11/3/2010 11:16:02 AM
If you wish to subscribe to our magazine, you need to click on Purchase / Subscribe (in red below the title page preview) on this page. This will take you to the Week of Life Magazine page on Zinio, where you need to fill in the necessary details in a few easy steps.
10/29/2010 4:18:07 AM
10/13/2010 10:46:00 AM
посмотреть бы его где нить?
10/12/2010 8:39:35 AM
Jak píše Zuzana, projekt samotný je unikát. Magazín, který se prosadil na takovém prestižním portálu to posouvá ještě o hodně velký kus dál!
10/11/2010 5:33:42 PM
S U P E R !!!!!!!!!!
8/31/2010 3:34:22 PM
:-) pekny
8/10/2010 10:04:31 PM
a ešte mi aj blbne počítač... každopádne hlavne som chcela povedať, že je to zaujímyvý počin a v našich zemepisných šírkach aj priekopnícky čin.
8/10/2010 10:00:57 PM
nie, uz mi to došlo, keď mi prišlo ptvrdenie na mail s dnešným dátumom 8.10.2010 :) ospravedlňujem sa :)
8/10/2010 9:53:17 PM
ZB: Možná to nebudou překlepy - může to být americký systém uvádění data: měsíc/den/rok... Nebo je to fakt omyl? :-)
8/10/2010 9:12:40 PM
už som nakukla, taká koncentrácia zaujímavých fotiek ! blahoželám k časopisu, určite je za tým veľa práce ... ešte malá poznámka, bez urážky,v časti foto dňa sú preklepy v dátumoch, napr. 1.14.2010:)
8/10/2010 4:45:46 PM
jupíííí, hned si ho objednám.. :-)